C:\Drive – Which one?

In trying to conjure up a metaphor for the common C Drive; I began by thinking what is unique about something so dull? What separates the C Drive from its alphabetical cousins; A and B are both floppy drives, C is just the next in line. Yes it is SATA Hard Drive – capable of securely storing much more digital information; in the end it’s just a storage device. Nothing has changed about the C Drive in the last decade, apart from general improvements made to Hard Disk Drives, and the introduction of a Solid State option.

They’re still just spinning disks that hold some of our data… Precisely, “some of our data”. How many computers do you own now? Personally; I have 5. So I began to wonder, which one of these is the C Drive in question? Which of them is the most important?

In trying to answer this, the problem seemed akin to a husband with many wives, how does he define the most valuable one? I think this simple analogy paints a picture of the relationship we all share with our C Drives; we are no longer a monogamous, one drive kind of species. My files are spread across a variety of different drives; one for pictures, music, important documents, video, designs etc.

….I do love you “C”, but you’re not the only drive for me anymore…

Jay-Z knows what I mean – only realistically I’m far more envious of his situation, “Drives, Drives, Drives?”… christ….

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